Sunday, January 16, 2011

Oregon HB2190 Is A Dangeous Bill !

Oregon HB2190 is a dangerous bill:
Link to HB2190

1) Defines "community" involvement as anyone, anywhere in the state. This effectively takes decision making away from coastal communities and transfers that decision making to metro areas.

2) Will setup two more government entities that will be designed to receive and dispense funds outside of the legislative process - bypassing the will of the people. With ocean oversight already the purview of ODFW, LCDC, Parks Department and OPAC - do we need yet ANOTHER layer of government at a time when the state budget is facing a projected shortfall in excess of three billion dollars?

3) Sets up the mechanism for the State of Oregon to direct funds to NGO's (PEW Charitable trust)

Write your legislator and urge them to kill this bill!!

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