Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cape Falcon Team Meeting Notes

The meeting was held last night from 6P to 9P. I felt it went well for the most part. It was a bit disorganized at the last due to time pressures, but overall not bad.

Tim Josi and Rob Kaser were elected co-chairs and will be sharing roles of leading the meetings.

Besides procedural issues, we discussed informational needs, etc. We have until Friday afternoon to email additional needs for information.

It is also appearant that if you have information you wish to share, that may also be allowed.

Public input process still needs a bit of refinement, however, I do believe it is important you try to attend these meetings and explain your views, etc. If you are reluctant to speak, please contact your representative as they would be more than willing to share your viewpoints with the group.

I have split the voice recording of the meeting into two files rather than one large file. The first one is from the meeting start to the break - and therefore mostly procedural issues.

Prior to Break

The second file after the break is more substantive.

After the Break

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